Virginia Metalcrafters

Waynesboro, VA | 81,000 SF | General Contractor: Skyline Roofing, Inc.

The  historical Virginia Metalcrafters building and the on-site annex building in Waynesboro, VA, underwent a significant renovation by the commercial property owner and we were able to provide comprehensive commercial roofing services on this extensive renovation. The main building consisted of four sections, including saw teeth roofs,  a metal roof, and flat roof areas which were all upgraded.  The saw teeth roofs, and flat roof areas were upgraded with a fully adhered dark gray and light gray 36 mil PVC system. The metal roof was retrofitted with a light gray 36 mil PVC system.  The installation of new aluminum drains, 26-gauge galvalume exposed fastener Tuff Rib metal panels on the saw teeth roof ends, 24-gauge shop fabricated Kynar finish coping cap and gravel stop further enhanced the durability and aesthetics of the main building’s roofing system.  The restored annex building received fully adhered white 60 mil TPO complete with flashings, details, and terminations on the two sections. This comprehensive project aimed to improve the functionality and longevity of the roofing systems while ensuring reliable waterproofing and enhanced aesthetics for the historical Virginia Metalcrafters building.

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