F&M Bank

Woodstock, VA | 7,500 SF | General Contractor: Skyline Roofing

This project for F&M Bank in Woodstock, Virginia exemplifies a strategic roofing overlay approach that marries efficiency and cost–effectiveness. Instead of a complete tear-off, the project involved adding a new roofing system over the existing structure, minimizing disruption while delivering a high-performance system.

First, structural integrity was ensured by seamlessly matching plywood decking  over an abandoned curb. Energy efficiency was a priority, and was achieved  through the addition of poly iso insulation, aligned with existing insulation heights.  Drainage improvements were implemented, and any compromised insulation within the existing EPDM was addressed. Adding the additional layer of insulation enhanced energy efficiency.

The focal point of this overlay was the installation of a fully adhered 60 mil white TPO membrane, complete with flashings, details, and terminations.  Installation of shop-fabricated 24 gauge, Kynar finish drip edge metal around the top of the parapet walls capped of the project.

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